Saturday 6 April 2024

Finished: 15mm Firefly troop

Hi folks,

Another catch up of recently finished models - this time a trio of 15mm metal and resin Battlefront Sherman M4A4 Fireflys. 

These models have been decalled up as Canadian 2nd Armoured Brigade, and specifically for the Fort Garry Horse. They represent a troop of Fireflys landed later on d-day to help provide support to the Sherman DD squadron. The Firefly couldn't be made into a DD tank due to the length of the gun barrel and as such were not attached to the DD equipped squadrons directly.  

Speaking of which, on these models the old metal gun barrel wasn't used, and instead I took plastic ones from some of the more modern BF sherman kits. I think the plastic barrels are a lot better scale wise. 

As usual, for the command vehicle I used a commander in the turret hatch as well as twin aerials, while the other tanks have a single aerial. I also, after a lot of back and forth, decided to base these the same as the Sherman DD tanks. 

Turrets have been magnetised and in keeping with the few images I've seen I kept these tanks clear of external stowage. This unit was the last one I had initialy planned for my Canadian DD squadron. 

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