Saturday, 8 June 2024

Finished: 15mm Polish Cromwell OP

Hi folks,

Another random unit completed. 

I'd found myself with a spare Cromwell kit from PSC and decided to turn it into an artillery observation post tank. 

I snipped the normal muzzle from the 75mm gun, making it look (hopefully) like a fake gun. 

While I don't think it's historically accurate, I've marked this model up as a OP tank from 2 Pulk Artylerii Motorowej (2nd Polish Motorised Artillery Regiment) of the 1st Polish Armoured Division. I've already completed a Sherman OP tank for this unit, but thought it was a good use of this spare hull. 

I've used my usual combination of decals, added a fishing line aerial and based using my usual basing technique. 

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