Saturday, 11 October 2014

#6MMRPC Update

My second attempt at this update!

Since the house move two weeks ago (and for the week before that) I've done nothing towards moving my painting forward. Partly because everything was packed up and partly as I've no dedicated painting area now. The only likely space is the kitchen table - which isn't ideal as I like pottering about with my painting while A watches telly. Also, I use my computer to check details and find reference pics while painting - the computer being in a separate room. 

Still, last week I took some time to dig out what I'd been working on before and try to move forward a little. 

After spending quite a lot of time digging out the various tools from the various places they had ended up post move, I set about washing all the parts I had to assemble. 

This included the D7, a couple of Fireflys and a Sherman I. Then I sorted out the turret hatches for the Shermans I had previously basecoated. This was a bit of a task as I had to work out how many I needed with open hatches (to be troop command tanks). 

I also drilled out the barrels and muzzle breaks of the 17lb'ers of the Fireflys. 

After everything was washed, I got it all put together:

And set about detailing the models. To do this I started digging around my FoW bits box:

Alas! Disaster! I seem to have used most of the stowage I had got from Skytrex. I've none of the small tarp rolls. By this point it was late and while I could green stuff what I needed... that would have involved finding the green stuff. So I've ordered some new stowage (from Peter Pig this time). And put everything away till they arrive. 

Plus points of this house is the small shed, which should help make spraying and varnishing less weather dependant (with the door open, of course!). A massive bonus in wintertime Scotland!


  1. Glad to hear you're all moved ok. The unpacking can be the part that takes the longest!

    1. Thanks Paul - currently the lack of a dedicated painting area is the main issue. That and Wasteland 2 on the PC!

  2. Oh gods, don't varnish in bad weather. You'll frost up your good work. Varnishing should strictly be done during low humidity days.

    1. Ah, I'll bear that in mind. I think last winter I varnished in the house so it didn't occur to me about the weather (other than it being dry). Not sure about low humidity days here though.... Might have to wait till July again!!!!

    2. I'm with Dave - that way danger lies.

      And a LOT of frustration!

    3. Let us ko what the stowage is like: their webstie is TERRIBLE, but I love PP sculpts...

    4. Thanks guys, I'll be sure to take extra care with the varnish. I'll also try and do some comparison shots of BF, PP and Skytrex figs once the PP ones arrive.

  3. I spent way too long looking for a Klingon battlecruiser and a cargo spaceship...

    1. It's almost a manic thing. If there's something I know I should have and can't find... I was once downstairs searching for a decal sheet at 2am as I couldn't remember seeing it along with the others (haven woken up thinking about it!!!). The Mrs now knows just to leave me too it.

  4. Regular Humbers!

    Time to lay down the law and claim a painting space of your own in the new hoos lad!

    1. Got an IKEA table for my computer Dai, so it should work! Just need to tear myself away from Wasteland 2 now...


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