With so much time spent away from home at the moment I'm trying to pick units I can get finished in a weekend or two. This weekend I decided to go with some of the 'other' Flames of War/Battlegroup Overlord vehicles I had sitting on the shelf.
These took the form of my Breaching Group's D7 Angledozer and my Armoured Squadron's Sherman ARV mk.1 and Humber Scout Cars (for my 144RAC liaison unit). These vehicles had all already been painted and varnished, so I just had to apply highlights, decals, crew, aerials, weathering, matt varnish and bases.
I managed to get highlights and decals done as well as making a start on the bases. Crew were finished previously and just need adding. I've still to do some weathering, add aerials and final varnish. The bases only need some tufts and flowers, and a tidy up round the edges.
So, the D7:
This is a Skytrex model, purchased only a few weeks before Battlefront (BF) released their version... It's a nice model, scales well with my BF figures and looks very beefy. I mentioned why I wanted one of these
here - but struggled with the markings. I can find no mention of who that brave Dozer belonged to unit wise, so in the end went with a Dozer from 149th Assault Park Squadron Royal Engineers - one of the Brigade assets of 1st Assualt Brigade Royal Engineers. Which in turn was part of 79th Armoured Division. Mainly I used these decals as my other Breaching Group tanks are all 'Funnies' of 79th Armoured Division.
I suspect though, on that dark night, the Dozer was from one of the Highland Divisions Field Park Squadrons R.E.
Next up, my conversion of a spare M4A4 Sherman (Sherman V) into a Sherman V Armoured Recovery Vehicle Mark I. The BF model is actually of a very very late type of ARV that only really was issued to Armoured Divisions in 1945 (the Mark II version).
So I decided to build my own Mark I version.
Then we have two Humber Scout Cars. I bought these as the Armoured Regiments of Independent Armoured Brigades (like 33 Armoured Brigade) were supported by a number of these vehicles. These were used as runabouts for senior officers and for liaison work between Squadrons and other units. I liked the idea of including these for Battlegroup games, but also like the idea of including them if/when I ever do my own army list for 144 Royal Armoured Corps. Again these are Skytrex models... And again bought just before BF released their own version. C'est la Guerre!

The decals for these guys and for the ARV still have to be corrected to show the 174 AoS markings of 144RAC. These are mainly Doms Decals, although the tac markings on the Humbers and the 33 Armoured Brigade symbols are from another manufacturer. Dom's Decals also came through for me with more Allied Stars, HD badges, Infantry Division support AoS markings (I was running short following the 4.2" unit) and 2nd Canadian Corps badges (for my 17 Pounder SP battery). I used the allied stars to finish the last 4.2" Mortar Loyd Carrier - although these also still need weathering and crew!
The Humbers still need crew, aerials and possibly Bren MG's on pintle mounts. The Sherman ARV just need aerials and the D7 just needs its single crew member. All need Matt varnish. The bases I left drying pending next weekend...
In other news my copy of Frostgrave arrived as did my new pack of Italian Campaign 4.2" Mortars with the different crew sculpts. I've had an Auster AOP model in my eBay basket for days now but I'm waiting on finishing something before I take the plunge. I'm also trading my first platoon of Shermans (which were the incorrect Sherman V version rather than my beloved Sherman I's) for packs of unpainted Sherman I's.
The madness never ceases!
Nothing wrong with a firm attention to detail and being only a little anal about it. :P
ReplyDeleteGreat work mate. That ARV looks especially splendid.
Thanks Dai... I think!
DeleteThe Shermans I've just had in the back of my mind since I realised I'd got the wrong ones. They were the first vehicles I painted and did a lot of stowage on, but it's always been in the back of my mind that they weren't 'right' for the unit. May as well do it right!
I love that bulldozer. The edge highlights are looking good.
ReplyDeleteThanks Cameron. It does make them look good at normal gaming distance. Still looks odd up close though!
DeleteYes the bull dozer and the Humbers have a great finish with the edge highlights. the Humbers will let you get the command group up front where the action is. There has been a bit of discussion about infantry fire being lethal playing battlegroup and you need something to block the line of fire.
ReplyDeleteI've not played in quite a bit but I remember the number of dice a squad can roll makes it quite daunting!
DeleteLooking ace Jamiester, a fine collection all round!!!
ReplyDeleteEngineering equipment is a fun add to a force. Your figs are looking crisp with all the decals.