Monday, 14 March 2016

15mm German Grenadier Platoon #1 - WiP

Hi folks,

A productive week for me, with a focus now on getting my first German Platoon finished and some basing done. The plan is to re-base the figures donated by Lee and also base the Battlefront platoon built from the figures purchases at the York show.

30 figures have been primed and main colours blocked in. I got a lot of work done after I took the picture - including an attempt at Heer camouflage. These guys are now close to being washed and highlighted.

It's been a bit of a slog for me as painting infantry is not my favourite part of the hobby and I am aware that this is the first platoon of many. I'm also unfamiliar with the figures and colour choices. I'm certainly unused to my paint pallet having so many varied colours on it!

Some close up pics will follow, but as usual it seems to be the paint and chats which are helping me keep up the pace. I've a small order to arrive from Wayland (*sigh*) and then the Germans should be done other than minefields and MG nests. I also ended up with another pack of Late War Grenadier models as the pack I picked up at York was missing enough machine guns. However, these models are horrible... they will make a recce platoon as well as providing the MG teams I am missing for #2 platoon.

In other (allied) news, my new pack of 3" M10's arrived - so the finished M10s will need some work to swap the guns, remove the crews and add armoured roofs!


  1. I never even knew that anyone welded roofs onto M10s. S'mazin' what you learn out here sometimes.

    1. I knew the Americans had done it but not the Canadians. My previous article about the finished M10's has the quote from 6 A/T Regt, RCA's war diary. I've also a picture from the operation and if you zoom in there appears to be a roof on the M10 - the one in the pack is a bit different, but it will do!

  2. Looking good so far Jamie. Looking forward to seeing those M10's with roofs!

  3. Good luck. I find German infantry slow with all of the extra stuff they are carrying. Send me an email if you'd like me to send my German painting colours spreadsheet.

  4. Off to a great start James, did you manage to soak the peter pig figures from the bases OK? they are pretty robust figures. German cammo in that scale is a tough one to paint, I stuck with the Vallejo 'splinter' set of 4 shades for mine. I look forward to seeing this project progress :)

    1. Not yet Lee, it's on the cards soon though. I've also a British platoon on the same bases I got a year or so ago and have done nothing with, so might do them all at the same time.


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