Hi folks,
Hope everyone had a good Hogmanay and is having a good Ne'erday (New Years Day). I've a very busy January ahead, so have prepped this post in advance. Hopefully I don't have to come back and change anything!
As is the tradition, I decided to do a roundup of the various finished models this year, which always serves as a bit of a reminder of how much I've achieved and the various collections have grown.
Starting back in January - my main focus was on 10mm fantasy mini's for the 'For Joshua' project, with a smattering of 15mm Sci-fi. I also completed a couple of 15mm WW2 items as part of the AHPC - some Fireflies for Martin and a US command diorama for Dave:
January also saw our only in person FoW game of the year!
February, which focused on 15mm and 3mm sci-fi, and on basing 10mm fantasy figures others had contributed for Joshua:
February also saw is getting a test game of 'To the Strongest' using the initial 'For Joshua' donations at the club, followed up by a smaller test game at mine:
March was lockdown, and back to painting 10mm fantasy with some more 3mm sci-fi:
April - nothing finished in April. I spent most of my time basing 10mm figures others had sent me for Joshua. I did finish a number of items in November that I had started in April, but that had been lurking in a semi completed state. I was also prepping 15mm ww2 models for my Recce Squadron project during this month, which took a lot of time:
'Joshua's Army' basing, a good chunk of which was completed in the first few months of the year, and in April - note, I have only included pictures of the models I based, I received some armies where the basing had been done. You can check out
For Joshua's Army on Facebook for more pics. I'm listing this all here as it shows the time spent basing the fantastic work sent from all over the world. At time of posting, I have more troops from CurtC and Pete awaiting basing:
Models from StiG |
Models from JohnT |
Models from Lee |
Models from Lee |
Models from AdamC |
Models from Big Lee and the Posties Rejects |
Models from StiG (the three unfinished bases are shown above) |
Models from StuartS |
Models from BobF |
All the models from NoelW |
Models from ChrisE
Models from Dai |
Models from Domesticated Bill |
Models from Domesticated Bill |
Models from Gary |
Models from Domesticated Bill |
May saw me finishing some 10mm camel riders (Mahdists) for Joshua. I also completed my first two troops of 15mm armoured cars:
June was spent continuing on with the Recce project, completing my 3rd unit of armoured cars. I also spent some time building some of Pendraken/Red Vectors 15mm MDF landing craft (still to be painted!):
June also saw DaveD put on a D-day game via Zoom:
July saw me complete the PSC 6-pdr guns and carriers for my Recce squadron, 15mm crew for my armoured cars, 10mm fantasy spearmen for Joshua and some 15mm sci-fi:
August was spent working up 15mm infantry figures and carriers, with a week spent on a much needed holiday in Wales between lockdowns. I did manage to finish my FOO White M3 scout car and my Humber scout car. Much time was also spent basing 10mm fantasy figures I'd been sent for Joshua:
September was one of those months when a lot of WiP came to fruition at the same time. 15mm mortar carriers and M5 halftracks, dismounted FOO and FBO teams, dismounted carrier patrol, motor platoon and 3" mortar platoon! Most of this I had been working on in August as well.
October saw the universal carrier patrols completed, and work started on prepping the next project. I was also starting to work on more infantry. It was a tough month, with the one year anniversary of Joshua's death. Work on the charity project has continued, although C-19 has brought everything to a stop plans wise:
October also saw DaveD host another FoW Zoom game, this time a US airborne attack to capture a bridge:
November saw more 15mm infantry completed - my final dismounted carrier patrol and the end of the Recce squadron project, as well as a 15mm British infantry platoon that brought my total infantry collection to a battalion sized force.
December saw the completion of the first unit of my Polish Cromwell project, with some M10Cs done. Paint shelf lurkers were also focused in on, with 15mm sci-fi infantry, power armour and a drop ship completed. I also finished my first couple of Cruel Seas 1/300 boats:
Finally in December, for the current AHPC, I finished a unit of 10mm mounted sergeants as part of my For Joshua knight army:
Splendid pictures and figures, ecclectic and gorgeous...what a productive year! Et Bonne année!
ReplyDeleteThanks Phil - slightly more eclectic than I might have wanted, but progress has been made on various collections.
DeleteThats loads of stuff. Happy new year
ReplyDeleteCheers Martin - not as much as some did :P
DeleteA pretty productive year .
ReplyDeleteAll things considered Dave, yes it was.
DeleteA rather great Hobby year mate - may 2021 be even better!
ReplyDeleteVery productive year, despite lack of games. Thank you for sharing. Happy New Year!