Sunday 3 April 2022

Finished: 10 and 12 Kompanies, III Battalion, SS Panzergrenadierregiment 26 - Kampfgruppe Wünsche (7 - 8 August 1944)

Hi folks,

This is a bit of a follow up post to this one from September of last year, when I started this current project. While I've been mumping to myself about taking 6 months to get this done, in hindsight my previous painting projects seem to take a similar amount of time. I really should learn how to airbrush. 

However, in the past six months I have gone from this plan:

To this:

To be fair, I did make some alterations as I went - namely dropping the 2IC vehicle (not needed in v4 FoW) and the Pioneer vehicles (being expanded into their own kompanie). I've also painted limbered, not deployed, versions of the Pak40. 

I also still have a substantial amount of SS infantry to paint - however with my current German infantry collections I can field Panzergrenadiers now I've vehicles for them. 

Lastly, I've some self-propelled artillery on the painting table currently, which were on the plan. But they don't form part of the Kompanies the project was for, so I've left them out of the photo!

Hopefully, it won't been too long before I can get some pictures of these in action!

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