Thursday 4 April 2024

Finished: 15mm 'Bobbin' AVRE and Bullshorn mine plows

Hi folks,

I've let posting slip again, as I focused my time on getting things finished for the end of the AHPC and a large D-Day game I co-ran this week. 

First of these neglected entries are a couple of resin 3d printed Churchill AVRE 'Bobbin' carpet layers and a couple of similarly produced Bullshorn mine plows. These are produced by Butlers Printed Models as part of their 'funnies' range. 

The bobbins represent a type C and type D carpet layers. 

Some pictures with various paint bottles for scale. 

I've decalled these models up in the same manner as my previous AVRE tanks. After a lot of thought I decided to go with the same beach style basing as my Sherman DD models. I added my usual radio aerials and weathering. 

The Bullshorn mine plows are similar 15mm resin 3d prints from Butlers Printed Models. I've based these in a manner that will allow them to be placed in front of my existing AVRE models. Again, I decided to go with beach style basing - I don't think these mine plows were ever used outside of the beach assaults. Included is an image showing how the plows sit in front of an AVRE. 

 These models did see some action in my last game - more on that in the future. 


  1. And very useful they were too . Nicely done

  2. Since you paint armour up so well James, I had a go at copying your 'hard edge' method on my 10mm T-54B for the Pendraken painting comp and just couldn't get away with it. In the end, I just stuck with layering paints and will attempt the 'hard edge' painting method on some 15mm T-34-85 tanks for WW3.

    BPM Resin. I've got some AMX APCs in 15mm, have washed them in warm, soapy water (as if they were resin-cast and needed release agent removing, and I didn't know what else I was supposed to do) how well do they take paint?

    I obviously think these Churchill models look brilliant (hence my attempt at copying in the comp.)

  3. Nicely done vehicles James 👍

  4. they looked very cool on the table. I need a force that only contains petards, blew up alot of defenses and bunkers


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